HyFi Corp. is a State of Florida registered entity, primarily focused and engaged in green sustainable development projects, consultancy, value-added deal advisory services and project funding solutions. We assist in securing & monetizing off-take agreements and PPA’s, term sheets & approvals, financing acquisitions, project review, monetizing sovereign guarantees, supporting tender/RFP bidders and winners, bankable networking, complete financial reviews and enhancing investor marketing materials.
Our team of experts are vetted, trustworthy with several decades of experience in all renewable energy projects, green tech, critical infrastructure, sustainable finance and investment banking. Building trust, navigating geopolitical landscapes, and helping clients succeed, through fostering long-term relationships and partnering with leaders to mobilize key sustainability solutions.
HyFi Corp acknowledges and supports the United Nations (17) seventeen ‘’Sustainable Development Goals’’ (SDGs) www.sdgs.un.org
HyFi’s sources of capital: Primarily from the world’s leading investment and infrastructure banks funds, life insurance and pension funds, venture capital funds, hedge funds and sovereign funds. We also tap the very large capital pool in the American Bond Market ($46T) and the private debt (promissory note market ($1T).
Target Project Size: Minimum USD$5 million+ up to USD$10 billion+ (no maximum). We will consider engagements commencing at $5m if the developer has growth plans and expects to become at least a USD $50m client.